
Should you be trying to conceive during COVID-19

You and your partner may be finding It difficult staying calm amongst all the panic and chaos in the past few weeks with the coronavirus news.

Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) is a respiratory illness caused by a new virus. Symptoms range from a mild cough to pneumonia. There is evidence that it can spread from person to person, and good hygiene can help prevent infection.

It’s important to understand that couples like yourselves who are trying to conceive are generally not in the high-risk group.

You may also be wondering if you should stop trying to conceive.

At present with the knowledge we have of this new virus, my advice is to continue trying. But take steps to protect yourself and your partner against this infection.

Below is the recommended actions you should be taking:

  1. Have a diet high in anti-oxidants to support your immune system.
  2. Don’t smoke and reduce your alcohol content as this will also help your immunity.
  3. Wash your hands regularly and thoroughly:
  • after coughing or sneezing
  • after toilet use
  • before eating
  • before and after preparing food
  • if you are in contact with a sick person, especially those with respiratory symptoms
  • if your hands are dirty
  1. Cough or sneeze into your elbow or a tissue and dispose of the tissue appropriately and wash your hands.
  2. Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
  3. Importantly – Please stay at home if you’re not feeling well and call your doctor or clinic
  4. Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth if your hands are not clean.
  5. Avoid shaking hands, hugging or kissing upon greeting colleagues, friends or family.

If you have been in close contact with a confirmed case in the last 14 days and you have symptoms (cough, shortness of breath, fever) you should:

  • isolate yourself from other people - this means going into a different, well-ventilated room, with a phone,
  • call family GP, or emergency department.

Close contact means either:

  • face-to-face contact; or
  • spending more than 15 minutes within 1.5 metres of an infected person; or
  • living in the same house as an infected person.

Please find other helpful information on the Department of Health COVID-19 Resource Page.

With love,

Dr Raewyn Teirney, CEO & Founder of conceiveplease